
The Nature of a Goddess

Product photography of GAIA deodorants, showcasing Cpg packaging design services. Product photography of GAIA deodorants, showcasing Cpg packaging design services.

We partnered with a women’s natural deodorant brand to create a design that celebrated both
the uniqueness of every woman and the benefits of ingredients from nature.

We chose Gaia as the name of the brand because she is the Goddess of Earth and all living things.
We see Gaia’s strength and nurture in every woman, and the growing interest in understanding
how their body reacts to natural ingredients versus artificial.

Collage of paterns, designs and photographs used as inspiration by a product packaging design agency to create a brand world for GAIA deodorants. Collage of paterns, designs and photographs used as inspiration by a product packaging design agency to create a brand world for GAIA deodorants.
Photograph of a full product line for GAIA deodorants, showcasing packaging design services for consumer packaged goods. Photograph of a full product line for GAIA deodorants, showcasing packaging design services for consumer packaged goods.

Every woman’s body is unique and something to celebrate

For the design, we created a set of modern silhouettes that peek into colorful vignettes of
nature. While each design is unique from the other, it is still capable of creating a strong brand block at shelf.

Illustration of the contour woman's face over an original design with a plant motiff, created by a product packaging design agency to advertise GAIA deodorants.
Colorful depictions of women and nature working together.
Promotional photograph of woman's face over an original design with a plant motiff created by a consumer packaged goods packaging design agency to advertise GAIA deodorants.
Promotional photograph of woman's face over an original design with a plant motiff, created by a cpg packaging design agency to advertise GAIA deodorants.
Illustration of the contour woman's face over an original design with a plant motiff , created by a consumer packaged goods brand identity design agency to advertise GAIA deodorants.
Bright, modern color palette that’s display worthy

Creating the Brand World

Here we reveal the women behind the silhouettes, integrating the distinctive patterns
used on the packaging in advertising, displays and social media.

Render of a brand website for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and brand identity design services for consumer packaged goods. Render of a brand website for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and brand identity design services for consumer packaged goods.
Render of a social media content for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and brand identity design services for cpg. Render of a social media content for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and brand identity design services for cpg.
Render of a magazine advertisement and a retail in store display for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and identity design services for cpg. Render of a retail in store display for GAIA deodorants, showcasing brand world and identity design services for consumer packaged goods.